Fitness for the Ages

Fitness Fundamentals #1: Get Your Head Together


Diverse group of colleagues doing meditation together
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

When I take on a new client at my studio, my general approach is to assume that they know nothing about fitness science or working out. This may sound harsh and condescending considering that it's probably 1. Not entirely true, and 2. A bit insulting. - of course, it's not meant to sound that way.

The purpose is to "clear the slate" and offer a particular POV to fitness that I've designed and honed over the years. That's not to say that my strategy is the preeminent approach; there are numerous game plans that will put you on the road to better health and well-being. Besides teaching the “nuts and bolts” of physical exercise, my intention is to address any misconceptions and dubious claims regarding unlikely outcomes that are rampant in our industry -- all the while, presenting options and tools that are practical, available and appropriate for the client in the real world.

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The First Blog Post...


Wooden Scrabble letters saying Happy New Year
Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

If you're reading this, you made it through 2020. It was a rough ride for all of us. Although not over, Covid 19 has certainly left its mark. You can do your own personal inventory on the damage done. To show our resilience toward the “scourge”, it won't be too long before we Americans turn this tragedy into triumph by capitalizing on misfortune - hopefully for the greater good -- by creating mementos ranging from selling hinky T-shirts to dedicating hospital wings that honor true heroes of the pandemic. That's what we do. This wide-range display of human perception provides a coping mechanism that helps us battle human tragedy. So, welcome 2021!!

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Physical Fitness


Phone near a blue and silver stethoscope
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels

For a long time as we surveilled ourselves daily, we saw the same person in the mirror...until we didn't.

Perhaps it was a happenstance; an unaware photo taken of you after which you asked, “Is that me?” Maybe it was a previously undetected wrinkle. Or a side view that had you hoping you were looking into a funhouse mirror.

For a while now your everyday chores have inconspicuously become harder. Bending, turning, and twisting are only done on an “as needed” basis. The necessities—walking, climbing stairs, climbing in and out of seats- might have you paying more attention to the latest stairlift commercials.

What's happening? ...we know. Is it inevitable? Of course...yes. But we don’t have to cave!

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Nutrition Philosophy


Colorful vegetable spread on a wooden board
Photo by Vanessa Loring from Pexels

Out of all the components that comprise a balanced program of health and well-being, proper nutrition sets the template. If you’re 50 and older you’ve been exposed to countless food plans that range from too hard to believe -- to -- , too hard to do: high-fat, no-fat, carbs yes?; no carbs; a little ok?; high-protein good, not too much. Should I graze, not eat after 6pm, cleanse? Will cabbage, grapefruit, apple-cider vinegar do the trick?

Despite what you might hear, all “diets” are not effective. No one food plan works for everyone. But all legitimate plans should address two basic factors: quality and quantity. Science will suggest that we should all eat this or that. On paper, or in the “lab”, that may be true. But the reality is all bodies are not created equal. Even the highest quality of food may be beneficial for most but not necessarily appropriate for you.

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Mental Fitness and Aging


Elderly couple holding sunflowers
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Mind ...Your Own Business

If you were forced to decide, which would you pick to lose — your mind or your body? Solomon-like decision, right? Obviously, there is no preferred answer; and admittedly, it’s somewhat morbid and solemn to think about. Mercifully, it's not a decision we have to make. But realistically, one or both of these scenarios is inevitable.

As there are many proven methods to stave off the effects of an aging physical body — exercise, proper nutrition, medications, etc., likewise, there are useful strategies for the brain to perform more effectively and efficiently. But the mind...dare I say, has a mind of its own — and when it's all said and done, it is apparent that mental capacity (the brain), is not immune to the effects of aging just like any other physical organ. So, it would behoove us to do everything possible to take care of it.

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Vacaville, California.